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Board & Governance

In the Unitarian Universalist tradition, the ultimate authority in each congregation is the annual congregational meeting because we are a democratic, self-governing institution. All voting members of the congregation may participate fully and equally in the decision-making of the congregational meeting. We elect a Board of Trustees annually (with rotating terms) to manage the overall workings of the Church. Committees and task forces do the day-to-day work.


We are a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), which means we are part of an International association of churches, fellowships, and societies worldwide, including the Philippines, Japan, Kenya, and Europe. Many congregations in the United States have partner-church relationships with these international congregations.


The Board typically meets on the second Tuesday of each month to carry out the general policies of the annual congregational meeting and to oversee the month-to-month workings of the church. According to the congregation’s bylaws, the Board designates the Minister as its executive for the day-to-day running of the congregation’s business.


All meetings are open to the public unless an executive session is called.


Meetings begin promptly at 6:00 p.m. Please check the calendar for dates. You can view the Board of Trustees' Conflict of Interest Policy here.

Congregational Annual Meeting

The congregational meeting is the final authority in our church. According to the church bylaws, the annual congregational meeting must occur each year in May (special meetings may be called at other times). All active voting members of the congregation are entitled to participate fully in the congregational meeting — indeed, it is the responsibility of the membership to participate in the annual meeting.

Board of Trustees


Mary S. Rapoza, Deborah Carmel, Steven Carmel, & Charles Morgan.

Not pictured: Pamela Sherman, Cora Peirce, Elise Rapoza, Niko Tarini.

Steve Carmel

Cora Peirce


Mary S. Rapoza


Charles Morgan

Vice President

Elise Rapoza


Pamela Sherman


Deborah Carmel

Niko Tarini


Your Name Here


Committee Chairs

Carlton Dasent

Larry Jaquith

Garden Committee
Nancy Crosby

House and Grounds
Steve Carmel 
Lynn Whitney

Joan O'Beirne

Religious Education
Charlie Morgan

Religious Services 
Eileen Sorrentino
Social Justice

ToniAnne Wong & Isaiah Kidney

Thrift Shop
Pam Sherman

UUNB Policies, Procedures, and Forms

03. Membership
04. Human Resources
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